Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Winter Blues

The period after Christmas time can be an emotionally challenging time for a lot of us. For me once Christmas is over I can feel really down in the dumps and I don't seem to enjoy any work that I have to do. I find myself not putting my heart into even the most enjoyable of things and simply feeling gloomy.

To drag myself out of this silly January mess I try to use these little nuggets of advice:


Perhaps the most important nugget of advice, the first is to get motivated. Now, I know what you're thinking; sometimes this can be the most difficult thing to do. However, I suggest doing something you seriously wish to be involved in. In my case, I immersed myself in one of my passions, Fashion Photography. This helped to make me feel much happier.


Surround yourself with good people. Friends and Family are key to heaving yourself out of The Winter Blues. My circle of friends and my family are wonderful. Often their happiness will rub off on me and this is why I also reccomend trying to cut out negativity from your life. 


Don't Sweat The Small Stuff. 
Don't get het up on unimportant issues that may be out of your control. Think about the significant things that might not be life changing but could be crucial to how contented you are.

And those are my pieces of advice! I hope that this has helped in some way, but if it has not, I guarantee that a recent video from the one and only Tyler Oakley will give you some brilliant life advice:

Rather unusually, this has been more of a personal post today and writing this was quite therapeutic for me. Thank you for reading <3

1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely post, Lauren, and I think your advice will help a lot of people out. I hope those Winter Blues fade soon. GingerSnaps xxx
