Wednesday 20 May 2015

So, I'm leaving school...

Firstly I'm fully aware that it has been an extremely long time since I last put up a blog post and for that I apologise profusely. I'm also aware that there are very few people who will read this, but I still feel an apology is in order. Now that's out of the way, let's begin...

In a matter of days, I depart from secondary school and my week of study leave commences and frankly, I'm emotional. 
Myself and my peers are abandoning the comfort of school and being let loose on the wonderful world of college education; I for one am ridiculously underprepared for this. Of course there are things I won't miss, like physics lessons and certain teachers... Despite the fact that there are things like those that I'll be glad to leave behind, they seem so small and irrelevant compared to the aspects of school life that I'll miss greatly. As much as I want to progress and move forward in my life, being slightly more independent is a terrifying prospect.

Exam period has already begun, but the vast majority of them are looming rather dauntingly after study leave. Oh my goodness, there is not enough time in the world for me to be ready for this stressful time in my life! 
Now, I know that GCSEs are definitely not the biggest struggle I shall conquer education-wise, as I hope to go on to sixth form after school and university after that. However, a very wise and lovely lady once told me that Challenges are relevant to here and now. I am a firm believer in this and shall carry this as a sort of mantra with me forever. 

So, the emotional side...this is the bit I wasn't expecting if I'm honest. Over the last two years at school, I've definitely become more of a sensitive soul; still, my sudden outbursts of tears recently are slightly on a ridiculous kind of level. Signing the leavers books of the people I've matured with is an emotional roller coaster let me tell you. The thought of not being able to see some of the people I hold most dearly to my heart everyday is absolutely impossible to accept and I have no clue how to come to terms with this... And now I'm aware of how soppy and strange I'm being. 

That's usually a cue to stop, Lauren.

Okay, so finally, I wish anybody going through the same thing the best of luck and all the confidence in the world... 

You'll be brilliant x

P.S: if you did read this, thank you ever so much. But if you are reading this thinking 'urm what is this weirdo doing?' then I'd just like to add that this is somewhat a momento to myself in the future as well as what I'm hoping is an entertaining post for any readers. Thanks again :)